A Spiritual Retreat: Our Visit to Aylesford Priory

July 19, 2024
4 minutes
This past weekend, our Catholic Society embarked on a transformative journey to Aylesford Priory

A Spiritual Retreat: Our Visit to Aylesford Priory

This past weekend, our Catholic Society embarked on a transformative journey to Aylesford Priory, a place steeped in centuries of spiritual history. Located in the heart of Kent, this Carmelite priory offered us a perfect setting for reflection, community building, and deepening our faith.

A Step Back in Time

As we arrived at Aylesford, we were immediately struck by the serene beauty of the grounds. The ancient stones of the priory, dating back to the 13th century, seemed to whisper stories of countless pilgrims who had come before us. Our guide, Brother Michael, led us through the cloisters, explaining the rich history of the Carmelite order and the priory's role in English Catholicism.

Moments of Reflection

Throughout the weekend, we participated in various spiritual activities that allowed us to disconnect from the bustle of university life and reconnect with our faith:

  • Silent Meditation: We spent an hour in silent reflection in the peaceful Rosary Garden, surrounded by blooming flowers and the gentle sound of a nearby fountain.
  • Group Discussions: In small groups, we explored topics like "Faith in the Modern World" and "Building a Strong Catholic Community on Campus."
  • Prayer Services: We joined the Carmelite brothers for their daily prayers, experiencing the rhythm of monastic life.

Bonding as a Community

One of the highlights of our retreat was the opportunity to strengthen our bonds as a society. We shared meals in the refectory, swapped stories around a bonfire, and even participated in a friendly game of football on the priory grounds. These moments of laughter and camaraderie reminded us of the importance of our Catholic community at the university.

Inspiration for the Year Ahead

As we gathered for our final Mass in the priory's beautiful chapel, there was a palpable sense of renewal among our group. Father James, in his homily, encouraged us to carry the peace and inspiration we found at Aylesford back to our campus lives.

Returning with Renewed Spirit

Leaving Aylesford, we felt a mixture of sadness to depart and excitement to apply what we had learned. This retreat has set a wonderful tone for our society's activities this year. We're grateful to the Carmelite community for their hospitality and to all the members who made this trip so memorable.

We look forward to more opportunities for spiritual growth and community building in the coming months. Stay tuned for more events and activities from the Catholic Society!!