Welcome to Faith and Friendship: Catholic Society at the Freshers' Fair

October 10, 2024
5 minutes
The start of a new academic year always brings a buzz of excitement to campus, and this year's Freshers' Fair was no exception!

The start of a new academic year always brings a buzz of excitement to campus, and this year's Freshers' Fair was no exception! The Catholic Society was thrilled to be part of this vibrant event, welcoming new students and sharing our mission of faith, fellowship, and fun.

Our Colorful Stand

As students flooded into the fair, our eye-catching stand was hard to miss. Decorated with vibrant posters, a large crucifix, and a banner proclaiming "Faith, Friends, and Fun," we were ready to greet curious freshers. The smell of freshly baked cookies (courtesy of our baking team) wafted through the air, drawing people to our table.

Welcoming New Faces

Our committee members took turns manning the stand, eager to chat with new students about what the Catholic Society has to offer. We were delighted by the diversity of people who stopped by – from practicing Catholics looking for a spiritual home away from home, to those curious about exploring faith for the first time.

What We Offer

We shared information about our regular activities:

  • Weekly Mass: Held every Sunday evening in the campus chapel.
  • Prayer Groups: Small, intimate gatherings for shared prayer and reflection.
  • Social Events: From movie nights to hiking trips, we make sure faith and fun go hand in hand.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: We partner with local charities for those looking to make a difference.
  • Retreats: Like our recent trip to Aylesford Priory, offering chances for deeper spiritual exploration.

Breaking the Ice

To make our stand more interactive, we set up a "Faith Questions" board where students could anonymously post questions about Catholicism or spirituality. This sparked some fascinating discussions and showed that many students are hungry for meaningful conversations about life's big questions.

Sign-Ups and Swag

By the end of the day, our sign-up sheet was full of names and email addresses of interested students. Everyone who signed up received a welcome pack, including a schedule of our upcoming events, a small prayer book, and (of course) more cookies for the road.

Looking Ahead

The energy and enthusiasm we encountered at the Freshers' Fair have left us excited for the year ahead. We're looking forward to welcoming new members at our first meeting of the term, where we'll have a chance to get to know each other better and start planning our activities for the year.

To all the freshers who visited us – welcome to the University of Kent, and welcome to the Catholic Society! Whether you're looking to deepen your faith, make new friends, or simply explore what Catholicism is all about, we're here for you.

Stay tuned for announcements about our welcome event, coming up soon. We can't wait to embark on this year's journey of faith and friendship with all of you!